Motion & Sound.

Filmmaking, Production, Cinematography, Videography, Editing (Premiere, ae, resolve), Color Correction, Color Grading, Sound, Motion Graphics, Animation, & Design.

Kyla & Kyle's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor.

Rentec Direct — Nick Alexander Films

Camera Operator & Production Worker.

Ashland Chamber of Commerce's Emergency Preparedness — Nick Alexander Films

Camera Operator & Production Worker.

Taelor & Zack's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor.

Ausland Group — Nick Alexander Films

Camera Operator & Production Worker.

Kyla & Kyle's Wedding Guest Book — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor.

David & Julia's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor.

Skyler & Taylor's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor.

NOLAN — An Analysis on the Value of Complex Film

This is my video essay on complex film. Please know that the only major spoilers are on "Memento" (2001) and "The Sixth Sense" (1999). There will only be a few other minor spoilers — please find more details on the spoilers in the video's description if interested.

In this video, I will argue that complex films inspire evolution because of their unique approach to creation. Over the course of a month, I had poured my heart, soul, sweat, and tears into this project. I had learned a lot more about the flow of video editing and what it takes to craft a large, daunting, and ambitious video like this one. I did my absolute best to make this one of my most professional pieces of work by perfecting every frame of video, every animation of text, and every decibel of audio. I am extremely proud of what I have created here. I hope it's educational and enjoyable to watch. Thank you.

Video Game Reviews — An Analysis

This is my strongest, most prized passion.

I consume this industry daily.

There are countless conversations and discussions to be had.

I aimed to have every project reflect my love for the industry.

Remember.... Every experience is worth trying.

Staying Inside — Short Film

For my final college capstone project, I independently worked on my own little short film from start to finish - screenplay writing & formatting, storyboarding & shot lists, production preparation, filming, editing, and sound design.

Girl Pusher 6 — Animated Music Video

Independently planned, developed, and created a unique and inspired animation style.

Screen Matter Podcast — Episode 4

Planned, produced, & published an entertainment & technology-focused visual podcast.

Around the World in 20 Tracks — Animation & Sound Design

An experimental journey with the history of music.


Marcus Kinney on audio recording.

Camden Wade on audio editing.

Sean Walters on video editing.

Mitchell Carlstrom on steel pan.

Reed Bentley on steel pan.

Taran McGuire on bass and organ.

Malen — Documentary Music Video

The main act from my final college video course project. I've always had a passion for editing to sound (mainly music) and so I put together this "going away video" for my good friend Malen, who had just joined the Navy. It allowed me to practice my camera work when it came to the documentary-style of shooting as well as practice the organization and editing of footage for a cohesive documentary-style music video.

Brittney & Brady's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor (Test/Practice).

Jizel & Jacob's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Video Editor (Test/Practice).

"Hand" — Experimental Animation

An animation that experiments with style, effects, layers, and sounds.

Another Day — Short Experimental Film

For both a sound design course as well as preparation for my final college capstone project, I created a very little experimental short film that was focused on playing with sound design as well as cinematography.

Avista Utilities — Nick Alexander Films

Camera Operator & Production Worker.

Ashley & Trenton's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Camera Operator & Production Worker.

Perla & Roberto's Wedding — Nick Alexander Films

Camera Operator & Production Worker.

Ceidy Mendez's Quinceañera

Video Editor.

John Moch's Memorial

Video Editor.

Ginette M. Busch's Memorial

Video Editor.

Kenneth Harry Jones' Memorial

Video Editor.

EMDA 202 Video — Final Project

From my final college video course project, I created a

Screen Matter Podcast — Episode 7

Planned, produced, & published an entertainment & technology-focused visual podcast.

Foley Demonstration — Skateboard

For sound design.

Pheasant Creek Chimes — Sound Design

For sound design.

Empty House of Wares — Sound Design

For sound design.

Fluorescent Reverb Store — Sound Design

For sound design.

Central Point Night — Sound Design

For sound design.

Natural Buzz, Synthetic Buzz, Shower Buzz — Sound Design

For sound design.

Dots — Sound Design

For sound design.

StoryCorps: Mark & Stella Walters — Storytelling & Sound Design

For storytelling & sound design.

EMDA Video Project — Rough Draft

Drone footage.